Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Historical Fiction (Original Writing Assignment)

Historical Fiction
            The genre of historical fiction is extremely useful when it comes to teaching writing and reading in elementary school. Historical fiction is defined as a fictional story that is based off of historical events or people ( This genre is commonly used in elementary schools because it can be so useful when teaching history in the classroom. Some great examples of historical fiction in elementary schools are: My Brother Sam is Dead by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier, Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes, and The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. These are all commonly used historical fiction novels, which can help students to learn about reading and writing along with some history.
            There are many different reasons why historical fiction should be utilized in the classroom. For one, it really gets children interested in history. The concept of fiction allows the stories to have an extra element that engages students more. A story that is strictly historical can sometimes lose interest with students, whereas a story that has some fiction and made up elements can really draw a student in. “Content area textbooks are too difficult for students in terms of both reading level and concept load” (Rycik and Rosler 163). Using historical fiction (whether they are picture books, poetry, or novels) can be an easy fix to this problem. The fictional stories about history will pique the children’s curiosity and come across on an easier level than a regular history textbook. Everyday details that a textbook misses will be present within these fictional stories. These details may seem miniscule and could be something as small as how families washed their clothes back then, but its details like these that will really help to shape the children’s understanding of the different ways of life throughout history. Students will be able to develop a much better understanding of life in different periods of history and geographic locations.
            Another great benefit of using this genre in the classroom is that it promotes multiple perspectives. Historical fiction has a way to allow different perspectives of historical events and people to shine through the use of fictional characters and events. The characters in the story who have different points of view and opinions allows the children to see different views of the history that is being addressed. This can also inform students about the “interpretive nature” of history and how different events and situations can be interpretive in different types of ways. “Reading historical fiction provides students with a vicarious experience for places and people they could otherwise never know. Often they are able to see history through a child’s point of view and identify with their emotions” (Rycik and Rosler 163). Allowing children to see a historical event through a child’s point of view, rather than teachers’ or textbooks’, is a great way for them to experience events in history through a point of view that is easily relatable to them.
            Historical fiction in the classroom also promotes academic equality. Students in the classroom have different levels of background knowledge, which can cause some students to understand events more than others. Reading historical fiction and a story that can be drawn upon by students to help for them to understand the topic just as much as other students.
            Teaching children to read historical fiction is extremely important because of the mixed elements of both fiction and non-fiction. It is important for teachers to make clear the difference between the two types of text. This is a type of genre that includes both fake and real events and students must be aware of that in order for the genre to be effective within the classroom. Students also need to be aware of the different authors and their opinions on the subjects being discussed. Teachers should try and explore different stories and novels on the same historical event or ideas so that they can compare and contrast the different authors and the way that they approached the subjects both similarly and differently (teaching history). A great way to explore this in the classroom would be to use Venn diagrams to compare and contrast historical fiction stories. You could also create cost versus benefit lists for different historical decisions after reading a piece of historical fiction. Students could make their own decisions about what they would have done if they were places in the same situations in history. Huge events in history such as the Holocaust are great examples of stories that could be written in the historical fiction genre. Students could read different fictional stories about the real event in history and be exposed to different opinions and stories about the event. It is just as important for students to emotionally respond to books as it is for them to learn from them (Rycik and Rosler).
            When teaching students to write historical fiction is it important for them to understand the different parts that make up a historical fiction piece. Students should know to first choose an event in history to base their story around, which creates the basis for a historical fiction piece of writing. Students should then create characters and realistic situations to surround that event in history. The events that occur during or because of the historical event do not have to be true but must be realistic based off of the time period in history. Writing historical fiction in the classroom is an excellent way for students to show that they understand the event in history that they are writing about. Through a student’s writing they can show the teacher if they have a thorough understanding of the history that they are discussing. The way that the child has the characters act and react to different situations will be showing of the child’s understanding of the time period. This is also a great way to allow children to be imaginative in their learning and incorporate literacy into history.
            Historical fiction is a great genre to help children in all areas of their education. It allows them to see history through new points of view, incorporate reading and writing into other subjects, use creativity and self-expression, and learn in ways other than through a textbook.

Works Cited
Rycik, Mary Taylor, and Brenda Rosler. "The Return of Historical Fiction." The Reading Teacher 63.2 (2009): 163-66. Web.

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